The Efficient Pharmacy: Through Automation & Design

Efficient by Design

Automation and Design is a 2-part 110-minute presentation and workshop. Part 1 provides community pharmacists with an understanding of the methods and tools available to improve productivity in pharmacy operations, including an overview and comparison of available dispensing automation. Part 2 helps community pharmacists improve productivity in their pharmacy through better design and workflow. Part 2 is followed by an interactive design workshop.


"Good presentation and good atmosphere."   •   "Very good presentation and well worth the 120 mile drive."   •   "Very enjoyable."   •   "Excellent experienced speaker" (NACDS)   •   "Working with the (architectural) model was excellent for reinforcing of concepts."   •   "Great information."

An audio tape is available of the NACDS presentation.

This seminar is also available as 2--independent 1-hour presentations: One focused on automation and the second focused on design.

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