Published Works
- The Financial Case for Renovating
- Finding the Right Formula for ROI
- Does time = money? Calculating the true value of an ROI, appeared in the March / April issue of Pharmacy Business (pg 10)
- Design tips for the ideal pharmacy. Drugstore Canada September 2013
- Go with the (traffic) flow. Drugstore Canada December 2012, pages 16 – 17
- A Cautionary Tale: Design must be based on your pharmacy reality. Drugstore Canada Sept 2012, page 35
- Finding space for a growing business niche. Drugstore Canada July/August 2012, pages 42-43
- Does your design cause workflow headaches? Drugstore Canada March 2012, 30-31
- Tips for renovating to automate: Tips on installing a Pacmed machine for unit dose and renovating a compounding area. Nov 8, 2010
- Ask the Experts: Where to start on designing a pharmacy / doctor building.
- Ask the Experts: Quantity control system for narcotic pain killers intake.
- Ask the Experts: Automation systems in retail pharmacy with limited space.
- Ask the Experts: Volumetric dispenser for dispensing methadone available?
- Ask the Experts: Risk of contamination/cross sensitivity mixing meds and antibiotics in packaging.
- Make design work for you, in the article 30 smart ideas Drugstore Canada Sept 09
- Automating blister pack process can reduce errors. Drugstore Canada August 2009; 39
- What’s the best pharmacy shelving layout? Pharmacy Gateway online publication March 2009
- Grow your business with screening tools. Drugstore Canada November 2008; 45
- High-speed strip packaging. Is it right for your pharmacy? Pharmacy Post, August-2008. (Abridged version in print publication & full article available here)
- Smart use of technology can set pharmacists free. Pharmacy Post, May 2008.
- Technology Solutions to Promote Safe Medication Practices. Chapter 7 in Rantucci M, Stewart I, Stewart C. Focus on Safe Medication Practices. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. 2008
- Simulation models aid decision making. Pharmacy Post, October 2007
- In-home technology aids elderly compliance. Pharmacy Post, September 2007
- Get Maximum Return On Your Technology Spend. Pharmacy Post, May 2007
- Out from behind the dispensary. Efficient use of Pharmacy Technology to Promote Pharmacist Re-deployment
- Automated counting system or a robotic counting system? The Efficient Pharmacy Online. November 2005
- How to Perform Time & Motion Studies, Internal McKesson APS training document. November 2004
- How to Analyze a Drug List, Internal McKesson APS training document. October 2005
- How to Measure a Pharmacy, Internal McKesson APS training document. August 2004
- Automating with Intelligence. Pharmaceutical Journal (CPJ) Vol 136, No. 4. May 2003
- Walk this way, Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal (CPJ) Vol 135, No. 8. October 2002
- Automation timesavers. Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal (CPJ) Vol 135, No. 7. September 2002
- Effect of Workflow software on choice of Technology. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 4, Number 3. May 2002
- Shopping carts and the "transition zone", Pharmacy Post Vol 10, No 2. February 2002
- Siffler en travaillant… L'actualite Pharmaceutique, Vol 9, No 10. November 2001
- Justifying technology by an hourly cost. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 4, Number 2. November 2001
- Music to our ears, dollars in our pockets, Pharmacy Post Vol 9, No 10. October 2001
- Improving Efficiencies and Reducing Medication Errors (part 4 of 4) The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 4, Number 1. June 2001
- Whistle while you work, Pharmacy Post Vol 9, No 5. May 2001
- Sus aux facteurs de stress et de fatigue, L'actualite Pharmaceutique, Vol 9, No 5. May 2001
- Create a Hospitable Indoor Climate. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 3, Number 4. February 2001
- Relief for tired, stressed staff, Pharmacy Post Vol 9, No 1. January 2001
- Le <<climat de travail>>. L'actualite Pharmaceutique, Vol 8, No 10. November 2000
- Robots for Community Pharmacy. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 3, Number 3. September 2000
- Improving Efficiencies and Reducing Medication Errors (part 2 of 4). The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 3, Number 3. September 2000
- Create a hospitable indoor climate, Pharmacy Post Vol 8, No 9. September 2000
- How Do I Know If Dispensary Automation Is Right For My Practice? Pharmacy Management, Vol 1, No 2. August 2000
- Room for colour in pharmacy, Pharmacy Post Vol 8, No 6. June 2000
- Use Lighting to set the Mood for Productivity and Profits. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 3, Number 2. May 2000
- Couleur et perception, L'actualite Pharmaceutique, Vol 8, No 5. May 2000
- Improving Efficiencies and Reducing Medication Errors (part 1 of 4). The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 3, Number 2. May 2000
- Un bon éclairage peut diminuer le nombre d'erreurs, L'actualite Pharmaceutique, Vol 8, No 3. March 2000
- See pharmacy design in the right light, Pharmacy Post Vol 8, No 1. January 2000
- Liquid Dispensers. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 3, Number 1. January 2000
- Bar Coding--Save time and reduce errors, (part 2). The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 2, Number 4. August 1999
- Bar Coding--Save time and reduce errors. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 2, Number 3. May 1999
- Innovation and Technology in Practice, Chapter 11. Pharmacy Management In Canada (2nd Ed.) Bachynsky JA ed. 1998.
- Fixture Design and Layout, Chapter 10, Pharmacy Management In Canada (2nd Ed.) Bachynsky JA ed. 1998
- The Limits Of Automation: Just how far should we (or shouldn't we) take automation in pharmacy. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 2, Number 2. November 1998
- Patient Counseling Areas: An overview of standard designs for patient counseling areas and a proposed new approach for greater flexibility. The Efficient Pharmacy Volume 2, Number 1. August 1998
Articles about Caverly
Seminars Written and Presented by Mr. Caverly:
Seminars have been presented to:
- (annual meetings)
- (annual meetings)
- (annual meeting)
- (annual technology conference)
- (annual meeting)
- (Pharmacy division - annual meeting)
- All 10 Canadian Provincial, & Numerous U.S. State, Pharmacy Associations (annual meetings) and numerous educational institutions (schools of pharmacy)